Yearbook of the European convention on human rights.

Yearbook of the European convention on human rights.

Yearbook of the European convention on human rights.

Law of Europe > Regional comparative and uniform law > Constitutional law > Individual and state > Human rights. Civil and political rights

Edition Details

  • Language: English
  • Jurisdiction(s): Netherlands
  • Publication Information: The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff, 1973
  • Publication Type (Medium): Electronic books, Trials, litigation, etc, Cases
  • Material: Document, Internet resource
  • Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
  • Other titles: Annuaire de la Convention europe?enne des droits de l'homme
  • Permalink: (Stable identifier)

Short Description

1 online resource.

Purpose and Intended Audience

Useful for students learning an area of law, Yearbook of the European convention on human rights. is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.

Research References

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Bibliographic information

  • Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
  • Responsable Person: European Commission, and European Court of Human Rights = Annuaire de la Convention europe?enne des droits de l'homme.
  • Publication Date: 1973
  • Country/State: Netherlands
  • Number of Editions: 1 editions
  • First edition Date: 1973
  • Last edition Date: 1973
  • Languages: English
  • Language Notes: Text in English and French.
  • Library of Congress Code: KJC5132
  • Dewey Code: 341
  • ISBN: 9789401512152 9401512159
  • OCLC: 892133456

Main Contents

One Basic Texts and General Information.- I. Basic Texts.- A. Amendments to the European Convention on Human Rights.- B. Amendments to the Rules of Court of the European Court of Human Rights.- C. Amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the European Commission of Human Rights.- D. Declaration Recognising the Competence of the European Commission of Human Rights in Respect of Individual Applications (Article 25 of the Convention).- Belgium.- Federal Republic of Germany.- Luxembourg.- E. Declaration Recognising the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the European court of human rights (Article 46 of the Convention) 20 Belgium 20 Federal Republic of Germany.- Luxembourg.- Sweden.- F. derogations (Article 15 of the Convention).- Turkey.- United Kingdom.- Appendices.- – State of Ratifications, Declarations and Reservations as at 31 December 1971.- – Chart of Deposit of Ratifications as at 31 December 1971.- II. The European Commission of Human Rights.- A. Composition.- B. Biographical Notes.- C. Work of the Commission.- D. Secretariat.- III. The European Court of Human Rights.- A. Composition.- B. Biographical Notes.- C. Sessions and Hearings.- D. Registry of the Court.- IV. Principal Developments in the Council of Europe Concerning the Protection of Human Rights.- A. Chronological List of Events.- B. Work of the Council of Europe in the Field of Human Rights.- 1. Consultative Assembly.- 2. Committee of Ministers.- 3. Committee of Experts on Human Rights.- 4. Parliamentary Conference on Human Rights.- C. Directorate of Human Rights.- Two Decisions of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights and the Committee of Ministers.- I. Inter-State Applications.- Ireland against the United Kingdom.- II. Individual Applications.- A. Introduction.- B. List of Selected Decisions.- C. Texts of Selected Decisions.- Applications No. 2551/65, 3155/67, 3174/67 and 3499/68 La Haye, De Wilde, Nys and Swalens v. Belgium.- Application No. 3245/67 E. Rebitzer v. Austria.- Application No. 3500/68 X v. Austria.- Application No. 4002/69 X v. Austria.- Application No. 4125/69 X v. Ireland.- Application No. 4125/69 X v. Ireland (Final Decision).- Application No. 4130/69 X v. The Netherlands.- Application No. 4220/69 X v. The United Kingdom.- Application No. 4311/69 X v. Denmark.- Application No. 4319/69 Samer v. Federal Republic of Germany.- Application No. 4324/69 X v. Federal Republic of Germany.- Application No. 4340/69 Joe Simon-Herold v. Austria.- Application No. 4372/70 X v. Belgium.- Application No. 4451/70 Golder v. the United Kingdom.- Application No. 4459/70 Kaiser v. Austria.- Application No. 4465/70 Alois Vampel v. Austria (Final Decision).- Application No. 4475/70 Svenska-Lotsforbundet v. Sweden.- Application No. 4505/70 X v. Federal Republic of Germany.- Application No. 4515/70 X and Association Z v. the United Kingdom.- Application No. 4517/70 Herbert Huber v. Austria.- Application No. 4517/70 Herbert Huber v. Austria (Final Decision).- Application No. 4519/70 X v. Luxembourg.- Application No. 4523/70 X v. Federal Republic of Germany.- Application No. 4607/70 X v. the United Kingdom.- Application No. 4733/71 X v. Sweden.- Application No. 4733/71 X v. Sweden (Final Decision).- Application No. 5025/71 X v. Federal Republic of Germany.- Application No. 5207/71 X v. Federal Republic of Germany.- D. Summaries of the Decisions.- E. Statistical Charts.- III. Cases Brought Before the Court.- “De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp” Cases (Vagrancy).- “Ringeisen” Case.- IV. Cases Before the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.- I. Dr. Michael Graf Soltikow against the Federal Republic of Germany.- II. Heinz Jentzsch against the Federal Republic of Germany.- III. Peter Scheichelbauer against Austria.- Three The Convention within the Member States of the Council of Europe.- I. The Convention in the Parliaments of the Member States.- A. List of Debates in Parliaments Relating to the European Convention on Human Rights.- Belgium.- France.- Sweden.- Switzerland.- United Kingdom.- B. Extracts of Debates in Parliaments.- France.- Sweden.- Switzerland.- United Kingdom.- II. The Convention in the Domestic Courts of the Contracting Parties.- A. Decisions of Domestic Courts Referring to the European Convention on Human Rights.- Premiere Partie Textes Fondamentaux et Informations de Caractere General.- Chapitre I. Textes Fondamentau.- A. Amendements a la Convention Europeenne des Droits de l'homme.- B. Amendements au Reglement de la Cour Europeenne des Droits de l'homme.- C. Amendement au Reglement Interieur de la Commission Europeenne des Droits de l'homme.- D. Declaration D'acceptation de la Competence de la Commission Europeenne des Droits de L'homme en Matiere de Requetes Individuelles (Article 25 de la Convention).- Belgique.- Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- Luxembourg.- E. Declaration D'acceptation De La Juridiction Obligatoire De La Cour Europeenne des Droits De L'homme (Article 46 de la Convention).- Belgique.- Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- Luxembourg.- Suede.- F. derogations (Article 15 de la Convention).- Turquie.- Royaume-Uni.- Annexes.- – Etat des Ratifications, Declarations et Reserves au 31 decembre 1971.- – Etat des Depots des Ratifications au 31 decembre 1971.- Chapitre II. La Commission Europeenne des Droits de l'homme.- A. Composition.- B. Notices Biographiques.- C. Travaux de la Commission.- D. Secretariat.- Chapitre III. La Cour Europeenne des Droits de L'homme.- A. Composition.- B. Notices Biographiques.- C. Reunions et Audiences.- D. Greffe de la Cour.- Chapitre IV. Principaux Evenements Ayant Marque Le Development de la Protection des Droits de L'homme Dans le Cadre du Conseil de L'europe.- A. Liste Chronologique des Evenements.- B. Travaux du Conseil de L'europe Dans le Domaine des Droits de L'homme.- 1. Assemblee Consultative.- 2. Comite des Ministres.- 3. Comite d'experts en matiere de droits de l'homme.- 4. Conference Parlementaire des Droits de l'Homme.- C. Direction des Droits de l'homme.- Deuxieme Partie Decisions de la Commission et de la Cour Europeennes des Droits de L'homme et du Comite des Ministres.- Chapitre I. Requetes Interetatiques.- Irlande contre Royaume-Uni.- Chapitre II. Requetes Individuelles.- A. Introduction.- B. Liste des Decisions Selectionnees.- C. Textes des Decisions Selectionnees.- Requetes N 2551/65, 3155/67, 3174/67 et 3499/68 La Haye, De Wilde, Nys et Swalens c/Belgique.- Requete N 3245/67 E. Rebitzer c/Autriche.- Requete N 3500/68 X. c/Autriche.- Requete N 4002/69 X. c/Autriche.- Requete N 4125/69 X. c/Irlande.- Requete N 4125/69 X. c/Irlande (Decision finale).- Requete N 4130/69 X. c/Pays-Bas.- Requete N 4220/69 X. c/Royaume-Uni.- Requete N 4311/69 X. c/Danemark.- Requete N 4319/69 Sanier c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- Requete N 4324/69 X. c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- Requete N 4340/69 Joe Simon-Herold c/Autriche.- Requete N 4372/70 X. c/Belgique.- Requete N 4451/70 Golder c/Royaume-Uni.- Requete N 4459/70 Kaiser c/Autriche.- Requete N 4465/70 Alois Vampel c/Autriche (Decision finale).- Requete N 4475/70 Svenska Lotsforbundet c/Suede.- Requete N 4505/70 X. c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- Requete N 4515/70 X. et Association Z. c/Royaume-Uni.- Requete N 4517/70 Herbert Huber c/Autriche.- Requete N 4517/70 Herbert Huber c/Autriche (Decision finale).- Requete N 4519/70 X. c/Luxembourg.- Requete N 4523/70 X. c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- Requete N 4607/70 X. c/Royaume-Uni.- Requete N 4733/71 X. c/Suede.- Requete N 4733/71 X. c/Suede (Decision finale).- Requete N 5025/71 X. c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- Requete N 5207/71 X. c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- D. Sommaires des Decisions.- E. Tableaux Statistiques.- Chapitre III. Affaires Portees Devant La Cour.- Affaires “De Wilde, Ooms et Versyp” (Vagabondage).- Affaire “Ringeisen”.- Chapitre IV. Affaires Devant le Comite des Ministres du Conseil de L'Europe.- I. Dr. Michael Graf Soltikow c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- II. Heinz Jentzsch c/Republique Federale d'Allemagne.- III. Peter Scheichelbau
er c/Autriche.- Troisieme Partie La Convention Dans L'ordre Interne des Etats Membres du Conseil de L'europe.- Chapitre I. La Convention Devant les Parlements des Etats Membres.- A. Liste de Debats Parlementaires se Referant a la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L'Homme.- Belgique.- France.- Suede.- Suisse.- Royaume-Uni.- B. Extraits de Debats Parlementaires.- France.- Suede.- Suisse.- Royaume-Uni.- Chapitre II. La Convention Devant les Juridictions Internes des Etats Contractants.- A. Decisions des Tribunaux Internes se Referant a la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L'Homme.- Appendix / Annexe.- Documentation and Bibliography / Documentation et Bibliographie.- A. Council of Europe Documents / A. Documents du Conseil de L'Europe.- B. Publications of the European Court of Human Rights.- B. Publications de la Cour Europeenne des Droits De L'Homme.- C. Selective Bibliography of Publications Concerning the European Convention on Human Rights.- C. Liste des Principales Publications Concernant la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L'Homme.- Alphabetical Index.- Index Alphabetique.

Structured Subjects (Headings):