European sustainable carriage of goods: the role of contract law

European sustainable carriage of goods: the role of contract law

European sustainable carriage of goods: the role of contract law

Law of Europe > Europe. Organization and integration law > Regional organization and integration (Europe) > The European Communities. Community law > General > Freight forwarders and carriers

Edition Details

  • Creator or Attribution (Responsibility): Ellen Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson
  • Language: English
  • Jurisdiction(s): England
  • Publication Information: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2016
  • Publication Type (Medium): Electronic books
  • Material: Document, Internet resource
  • Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
  • Series title: IMLI studies in international maritime law.
  • Permalink: (Stable identifier)

Additional Format

Print version: Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen. European sustainable carriage of goods. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2016 (DLC) 2015018407 (OCoLC)908838976

Short Description

1 online resource.

Purpose and Intended Audience

Useful for students learning an area of law, European sustainable carriage of goods: the role of contract law is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.

Research References

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Bibliographic information

  • Responsable Person: Ellen Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson.
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Country/State: England
  • Number of Editions: 6 editions
  • First edition Date: 2015
  • Last edition Date: 2016
  • Languages: English
  • Library of Congress Code: KJE2121
  • Dewey Code: 343.240932
  • ISBN: 9781317633945 1317633946 9781317633938 1317633938 9781315757698 1315757699
  • OCLC: 922965965

Main Contents

The common transport policy
Contract law as a tool to promote sustainable carriage of goods

Structured Subjects (Headings):

Find it in the Library of Congress:

If you wish to locate similar books to “European sustainable carriage of goods: the role of contract law”, they can be found under the 343.240932 in a public library, and the Library of Congress call numbers starting with KJE2121 in most university libraries. If you wish to look up similar titles to “European sustainable carriage of goods: the role of contract law” in an on-line library catalog, the official Library of Congress Subject Headings under which they can be found are:

Commercial law
European Union countries
Freight and freightage–Environmental aspects
Shipment of goods–Law and legislation
Transportation–Environmental aspects
Transportation–Law and legislation