A report of cases and matters in law, resolved and adjudged in the King's courts in Ireland [1604-1612]
A report of cases and matters in law, resolved and adjudged in the King's courts in Ireland [1604-1612]
Law of Europe > Austria > Philosophy, jurisprudence, and theory of law > The concept of law > Law and the state. Legal order. Respect for law
Edition Details
- Creators or Attribution (Responsibility): Ireland. Courts, John Davies
- Language: English
- Jurisdiction(s): Ireland
- Publication Information: Dublin, Printed for Sarah Cotter, 1762
- Type: Book
- Permalink: http://books.lawlegal.eu/a-report-of-cases-and-matters-in-law-resolved-and-adjudged-in-the-king-s-courts-in-ireland-1604-1612/ (Stable identifier)
Additional Format
Online version: Ireland. Courts. Report of cases and matters in law. Dublin, Printed for Sarah Cotter, 1762 (OCoLC)602272442
Short Description
1 preliminary leaf, 277 [16] pages 20 cm
Purpose and Intended Audience
Useful for students learning an area of law, A report of cases and matters in law, resolved and adjudged in the King's courts in Ireland [1604-1612] is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.
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Bibliographic information
- Publisher: Sarah Cotter
- Responsable Person: Collected and digested by Sir John Davies, knight … Now first tr. into English.
- Publication Date: 1762
- Country/State: Ireland
- Number of Editions: 3 editions
- First edition Date: 1762
- Last edition Date: 1762
- General Notes: Originally published in Dublin, 1615, under title: Le primer report des cases & matters en ley, resolue & adiudge en les courts del Roy en Ireland.
Book plate of James Louis Petigrul.
Includes index. - Languages: English
- Library of Congress Code: KJJ445
- Dewey Code: 340
- OCLC: 5693320