[Central and Eastern European legal materials. Poland]
[Central and Eastern European legal materials
Law of Europe > Law of Poland > Poland > General
Edition Details
- Creator or Attribution (Responsibility): Poland
- Language: English
- Jurisdiction(s): Virginia
- Publication Information: Springfield, VA : Distributed by and in cooperation with NTIS, 1991
- Type: Book
- Other titles: Legal text subscription service.
Foreign commercial laws and regulations.
Poland. - Permalink: http://books.lawlegal.eu/central-and-eastern-european-legal-materials-poland/ (Stable identifier)
Short Description
V. ; 28 cm.
Purpose and Intended Audience
Useful for students learning an area of law, [Central and Eastern European legal materials. Poland] is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.
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Bibliographic information
- Publication Date: 1991/
- Country/State: Virginia
- Number of Editions: 1 editions
- First edition Date: 1991
- Last edition Date: 1991
- General Notes: Comprises English translations of selected Polish commercial laws and regulations.
Title from correspondence with the Dept. of Commerce.
“Legal text subscription service”; “The foreign commercial laws and regulations … [Poland]”–P. 2 of cover of each issue.
Translation of texts provided by: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of General Counsel. - Languages: English
- Library of Congress Code: KKP941
- Dewey Code: 346.43807
- OCLC: 24848993
Main Contents
Polish law governing termination of labor relationship between workers and workplace
Polish law establishing office of Minister for Ownership Transformation and privatization law
Polish law no. 445 governing tariffs
Polish law on taxes on increments to remunerations
Polish law on the regulation of credit relationships and amended law on National Bank of Poland
Polish law no. 325 governing economic activities with participation of foreign entities (joint venture law)
Polish law on financial management of state enterprises
Polish law governing changes in the organization and activities of cooperatives
Polish executive order of Minister of Finance on general terms of foreign exchange authorization
Polish communique governing Cocom restricted goods, technologies
Polish insurance law
Polish government program for privatization of Polish economy
Polish executive order on Interior Ministry's Political Advisory Committee and executive order on service in Office of State Protection
Amendments to Polish law on land management and real estate expropriation
Polish law on communications
Polish executive order of Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations on Customs supervision, control, and collection of customs duties.
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If you wish to locate similar books to “[Central and Eastern European legal materials. Poland]”, they can be found under the 346.43807 in a public library, and the Library of Congress call numbers starting with KKP941 in most university libraries. If you wish to look up similar titles to “[Central and Eastern European legal materials. Poland]” in an on-line library catalog, the official Library of Congress Subject Headings under which they can be found are:
Commercial law
Foreign trade regulation