Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne: commentaire du Traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe à […]
Genèse et destinée de la Constitution Européenne: commentaire du Traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe à la lumière des travaux préparatoires et perspectives d'avenir = Genesis and destiny of the European Constitution: commentary on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in the light of the travaux préparatoires and future prospects
Law of Europe > Europe. Organization and integration law > Regional organization and integration (Europe) > The European Communities. Community law > Organization law. Constitution of the European Communities > Treaties establishing and expanding the communities. Basic law > Individual treaties > Treaty of Paris, 1951. Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (Montan-Union) > Texts of, and works on, the treaty > KJE4443
Edition Details
- Language: English
- Jurisdiction(s): Belgium
- Publication Information: Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2007
- Type: Book
- Other titles: Genesis and destiny of the European Constitution
- Permalink: (Stable identifier)
Short Description
XXXI, 1353 p. : ILl. ; 25 cm.
Purpose and Intended Audience
Useful for students learning an area of law, Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne: commentaire du Traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe à […] is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.
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Bibliographic information
- Responsable Person: Giuliano Amato, Hervé Bribosia, Bruno De Witte (ed.) ; avec la contrib. de Julio Baquero Cruz … [et al.] ; coordination scientifique Hervé Bribosia.
- Publication Date: 2007
- Country/State: Belgium
- Number of Editions: 8 editions
- First edition Date: 2007
- Last edition Date: 2007
- General Notes: Bijdragen in het Engels of het Frans.
- Languages: French, English
- Library of Congress Code: KJE4443
- ISBN: 280272343X 9782802723431
- OCLC: 783407105
Structured Subjects (Headings):
- Constitutional history
- Constitutional law
- European Union countries
- Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe (2004)