Survey of legal prescriptions: published in the “Official Gazette of FPR of Yugoslavia” from January 1 to December 31, 1955.
Survey of legal prescriptions: published in the “Official Gazette of FPR of Yugoslavia” from January 1 to December 31, 1955.
Law of Europe > Law of Yugoslavia. Serbia and Montenegro (to 2006) > Yugoslavia. Serbia and Montenegro (to 2006) > General works. Treatises
Edition Details
- Creator or Attribution (Responsibility): Institut za uporedno pravo
- Language: English
- Jurisdiction(s): Serbia
- Publication Information: Beograd : Institut za uporedno pravo, 1956
- Type: Book
- Series title: Series B, no. 1
- Permalink: (Stable identifier)
Short Description
52 pages ; 30 cm.
Purpose and Intended Audience
Useful for students learning an area of law, Survey of legal prescriptions: published in the “Official Gazette of FPR of Yugoslavia” from January 1 to December 31, 1955. is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.
Research References
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- Find Survey of legal prescriptions: published in the “Official Gazette of FPR of Yugoslavia” from January 1 to December 31, 1955. in Open Library
Bibliographic information
- Publication Date: 1956
- Country/State: Serbia
- Number of Editions: 3 editions
- First edition Date: 1956
- Last edition Date: 1956
- Languages: English, Croatian
- Library of Congress Code: KKZ68
- OCLC: 24943575