The European Union with or without a constitution: a response to citizens' questions

The European Union with or without a constitution: a response to citizens' questions

The European Union with or without a constitution: a response to citizens' questions

Law of Europe > Europe. Organization and integration law > Regional organization and integration (Europe) > The European Communities. Community law > General works. Treatises

Edition Details

  • Creator or Attribution (Responsibility): Nicholas Moussis
  • Language: English
  • Jurisdiction(s): Belgium
  • Publication Information: Rixensart, Belgium : European Study Service, [2005]
  • Publication Type (Medium): Constitution
  • Material: Internet resource
  • Type: Book, Internet Resource
  • Permalink: (Stable identifier)

Short Description

IX, 153 pages ; 21 cm

Purpose and Intended Audience

Useful for students learning an area of law, The European Union with or without a constitution: a response to citizens' questions is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.

Research References

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Bibliographic information

  • Responsable Person: Nicholas Moussis.
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Country/State: Belgium
  • Number of Editions: 12 editions
  • First edition Date: 2004
  • Last edition Date: 2008
  • Languages: English
  • Library of Congress Code: KJE947
  • Dewey Code: 341.2422
  • ISBN: 293011939X 9782930119397
  • OCLC: 62617085

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The European integration process 5
1.1 European multinational integration 5
I.1I. What is the European intetgration process? 5
].1.2. Is multinational integration an economic
or a political prncess? 6
11.3. 1low does the multinational IIntegration process get
started? 8
1.2. Integration method and intergovernmental method 9
1.2.1 What is the difference between the integration method
and the intergovernmental meihod of trade liberalisation? 9
1..2. Are the intergovernmental and the integration method
inconpatible or cmpleImentar? i910
1.3. 1The development of common policies 11
1.3II What is 1he definition ofa cnmmon poli cy? 12
1 i.3.2.r there variuis types of conmon poicies?
1.3.3. Fow do common policies matcriaise? 13
13.4. Ho do eomnion policies develop? i14
Chapter 2: Bir and growth (f the Ec/EU 15
.1.The original Six I16
I-.1 What notivated Eiropean inification? 16
.1.2. Why did snie countriis prefer integration to
cooperation? 17
2. W .3. What was thc European Coal and Stel Coinoaitynt i8
2.1.4. What xas the iEropean Economic Community? 19
.1.5. What is the Euiropeaxi Atoimic Energy Community” 20
'2. Itow the Six bheCaine TseDtv-five 20
2.1. that is the Europea F'ree Trade Areca 21
2.2.2. low did thei European Commnnit u/nsnion's
meacbrship grow” 22
2..3. Wxhat is th Eu ropean Econumic Area'.' 23
2.3. The attractive force of the tion a 24
2.3.1. What does itie girnws in g mebership of the EC/EI
hhow? 24
2.3.2. How far cai the1 nimon espand? 25
Chapter 3: ihe Etropean Treaties 27
3.1. The original 'Treatics 27
3.1.1 Whtit were fte obajcttie aol the *uropean
Coal anl Sdtel Couninxts [reaty0 27
3.1.2.i What were ohhe objectves of te Tricit
establishing the European Economic Comnmunity? 28
3.2 The subsequent Treaties 30
3.2.1. What eire thie ew objectives set by the
Treaty of Maastricht? 30
S.2.2. hat were the new ohjectives set b the
Tireaty fArnsterda2? 32
3.2.3. What sere the. new objectives set bh the hreaty of Nice? 33
33. The Constitutional Treaty 33
3.3. Why is the new Treaiv called Coistiiutional? -3
3..2 Ii How does the Constitution net e qsi of he confer-
ra of sovereign rights firoi the Mernber States to te inion? 26
3.3.3. How does the Constitutional Trieay deal sith
c mmon policies? 37
3.3.4. Which are he ain nsiitutional changes rought abouh
by the Constitutional rea y 38
3.3.5. Which are the main shortcomin gs of the
Constitutional Treaty? 39
Chapter 4: European governance 43
4 1. The European Counci 44
4.11. What is the compositio of tie E iopean Coun ci- 4
4,1.2. What are the functions of th European Cuncil' 5
.2. The European ommnission 47
4.21. What is the composition of the Europea Coniission? 4
422.2 What is the role of ie Coniissioli in the
decision-mnaking process? 48
4.2.3. What are the other functions of the European
Coinmission? 50
424.4 What is the rele of the Comrnmission in external police9 5e 1
4.3. The European Pariiament 52
4.3..1 hat is the composition of the Eiropean Parliaenit? 52
4.3.2. What are the fuicitiois oft te 1ruopean Parlianient 5
4.4. The Council of Ministers 56
4.4.1. What is the composition oof te Council? 56
4.4.2. 'hat are the functions of the ouncil? 57
4.5. The Court of Justice 58
4.5.1 VWihat is the coinpositio of the toarn of Justice? 58
4.5.2. What is the rile of the Cocurt of Justic? s8
4.53.3 What are tIe tasks of the Couri of uJstice? 59
4.6. Other institutions andboies o 60
4.6.1. What is the su'itiuct and hat ae se . tiiinctioins ot
the Europeaii Centrari Ba ? 60
4.t.2. What is dhe sir ratire and what aie the fnctiont of
the Court of Auditor>? 62
4.6.3t. Nhat i the structuCre and what are the functions of
Fhe Economic and Social Coinmittce? 6
t6.4. 4hatd is the Srciturie and what aie the functins
of the ComIn ittee of the Regions? 64
Chapter 5: European legislation 65
5.1. The legislative coimpetences of the Conmnunity 66
51 i1 Why do ihe Mimhcr States conir legislative
coipetences to thc EC/U? t66
. 1.2. What is the meaning of the principle of suhsidiarity? 67
5.1 .4. W1a .s the sitats of Communir t law0 68
52. The Community decisioonmaking procedure 69
a.2.1. WFat is the Com(1mnity method of decision-making? 69
5 .2.2. W he does the Conmission have the initiative of
proposal? 70
5.2.3. ios can th Conmnission determine the commn
Pearliarent with the Caincil?
5.2 44.5Wha about thc democratic dehicit of the Community? 74
5..6. Wihat is qualified majority voiinig in the C ounci l 75
52.2. 5What is enhanced cooperation of some Meber Sates? 77
.3Trhe Conmuity legal system 78
5.3 1. Whici are he liegal acts actually used bh the
European Colm u ity? 78
a53.2. Wkhih are the ion-binding instuiments of the ECEti. I 79
5.3.3. W4ich arc the legal acts proposed by the
Constitutional Treaty? 80
5.4. The Community financial system 80
5.4 4I4hy does the Co ininity need its osi hudget? 81
5.4.2. 4 4hich are the own ressources of the C'ommonity? 81
5.4.3. Which are the budgetary authorities tf the Ceonmuntit? 82
5.4.. 4los is the 'omminity buidgert managcd and how
i conotolcldi 83
Chapter 6: [he stages of integration 85
6.. he customs union stage 1186
6i1 Wk hat is the difterence hetween a customs union
anda free trade arca? 86
6. 1.2 What is the custonms uniion of the European Ceommunity? 87
6.1.3. What problcms remained after the abolition
ot ustoms barricrs to trade'? u88
6. .4. low was the c ustoms n ion compl ted 89
6,1.5 W4hat is the Coummoii Costoms Tariff? 90
6… W4hat arc the effects of the customs union? 90

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